I was at my mom's office reading the newspaper and came across with this shout for help. So I decided to take that particular page and took a picture of it so I can post it here in my blog. I also plan to post the article in Istorya.net/forums ( it is an online forum and most of its members speak Bisaya).

This article is taken from a CEBU DAILY NEWSPAPER published on October 25, 2010. You can find it on page 12.
The patient's name is Jemarie Delostrico, 9 years old, and she has Lymphocytic Leukemia (cancer of the blood). She has more than 80 percent chance of getting cured if chemotherapy is given to her regularly. Her father is only an aircon technician while her mother is a homemaker.
NOTE: I am not connected with Cebu Daily News and Jemarie. I just wanted to help and took the initiative to spread Jemarie's shout for help. If you want to help Jemarie, you can directly contact Kapwa Ko, Mahal Ko Foundation Inc. Cebu or directly deposit your financial assitance to Unionbank. ACCOUNT DETAILS (Unionbank) AND TELEPHONE NUMBERS OF (Kapwa Ko, Mahal Ko Foundation Cebu) ARE UNDERLINED WITH RED BALLPEN IN THE ARTICLE.
PLEASE VIEW THESE LINKS TO SEE A LARGER VIEW OF THE ARTICLE and also for the account details and telephone numbers to be seen CLEARLY:
Thank you. =)
11/06/2010 11:17:00 AM
What you are about to read is PURE FICTION. =)
Hello Harry Potter fans. There aren't a lot of copies of Quidditch Through the Ages by Kennilworthy Whisp (of course, JK Rowling still wrote this but just for the sake of creating the fantasy of being in the HP universe let's just use Mr. Whisp..=D) so I will be summarizing it for you. =) There are 10 chapters of the book and part 1 of this blog entry will be from chapters 1 to 4. =)
CHAPTER 1: The Evolution of the Flying Broomstick
Every household in Britain owns at least one flying broomstick. Wondering why they chose to magically enhance a broomstick instead of carpets, flying cars, flying chairs or whatever object you can think of? It's because a broomstick is easy to hide, portable and inexpensive. There is no excuse if found by Muggles.
Figure A. It is a medieval broomstick (thick knotty handle of unvarnished ash, with hazel twigs bound crudely to one end) on display in the Museum of Quidditch in London. Guthrie Lochrin, a Scottish wizard, experienced a great discomfort while riding the broomstick in Figure A. This broomstick only moves forward at one speed; goes up, down and stop. Until the 12th century, broomsticks are more comfortable to fly with.
CHAPTER 2: Ancient Broom Games
Here are some of them:
a. Annual Broom Race of Sweden - Fliers race from Kopparberg to Arjeplog, a distance of slightly over 300 miles.
b. Stichstock of Germany - where a 20 foot high pole was topped with an inflated dragon bladder. The bladder-guardian protects it and is tied around her waist so she could not fly more than 20 feet away. The rest of the players attempt to puncture the bladder.
c. Aingingein of Ireland - One by one the players would take the Dom or ball ( gallbladder of a goat), and speed through a series of burning barrels set high in the air on stilts. The Dom was to be thrown through the final barrel and the player who succeeds at the fastest time wins.
d. Creaothceann of Scotland - This game was made illegal in 1762.
e. Shuntbumps of England - Sole purpose of the game is to knock off as many players as you can.
f. Swivenhodge
CHAPTER 3: The Game from Queerditch Marsh
The not so pleasant beginnings of Quidditch began at the edge of Queerditch Marsh. Thanks to Gertie Keddle we now have a glimpse of the very early editions of Quidditch. The copy of her diary where she wrote about how the players played is now in the possession of the Museum of Quidditch in London. Here are some excerpts of her diary:
" Tuesday. Wet. Was out on the marsh picking nettles. Broomstick idiots playing again. Watched for a bit behind a rock. They've got a new ball. Throwing it to each other and trying to stick it in trees at either end of the marsh. Pointless rubbish. "
Based from the excerpt, Ms.Keddle isn't really happy with those people playing near her marsh. LOL. =D
Early terms of Quidditch equipments:
> Inflated Bladder - Quaffle
> Trees - Goals
> Enchanted Heavy Rocks - Bludgers
Early terms of Quidditch player's positions:
> Catcher - Chaser
> Blooder - Bludger
> Hunter - Seeker
The Golden Snitch wasn't used until the middle of the 13th century.
CHAPTER 4: The Arrival of the Golden Snidget
The Golden Snidget is today a protected species. It is difficult to detect by Muggles because of their aptitude at hiding and their very great speed.
Some wizards in the past try to catch Snidgets thru nets, wands and some with their bare hands and subsequently crushed by its captor. Barberus Bragge, Chief of the Wizard's Council, attended a Quidditch match in 1269 and brought a caged Golden Snidget. Mr. Bragge told the players that he would award 150 Galleons to the player who caught it during the course of the game. Yes, the extra 150 points once the Seeker catches the Golden Snitch (in the modern Quidditch match) was based on the 150 Galleons promised by Mr. Bragge. =)
In the middle of the following century, Golden Snidgets were declared protected species, outlawing both its killing and its use in Quidditch games. They kill the Snidget once captured by a player.
Bowman Wright of Godric's Hollow was a skilled metal charmer. He mimicked and bewitched the behavior and flight patterns of the Snidget. So, the Golden Snitch was invented. It is a walnut-sized ball exactly the weight of a Snidget.
The introduction of the golden snitch may be said to have finished the process begun three hundred years before on Queerditch Marsh. Quidditch had been truly born.
Just re-visit my blog for the remaining chapters of this book. Hope you enjoyed reading. =)
10/23/2010 11:11:00 PM

WHEN: February 26, 2011
WHERE: Araneta Coliseum (Manila, Philippines)
A lot of Super Junior fans here in the Philippines (including me..) are itching to watch Super Junior perform on Philippine soil....again! I'm blogging about this because I want to show my support for the production company, Pulp Live Productions, who made SS2 last April 2010 possible. I wasn't able to watch SS2 so I'm really determined to watch SS3. Heck, I already have a plane ticket booked for the concert next year!
Update as of February 3,2011: SS3 Manila Ticket updates. According to HAPPEE SY:
"HAPPEE SY: Upper B Center: if we didnt contact you, it means no more available..
Upper B Sides: you may call our office at 687-1709 to order
Upper A Center: sold out
Upper A Sides: sold out
Gen Ad: go to all Ticketnet outlets nationwide
SVIP Left/Right: we are still waiting for final count"
Visit her Facebook page for more infos in purchasing SS3 Manila tix thru PULP and Happee Sy. CLICK FOR HAPPEE SY'S FACEBOOK PAGE.
Update as of February 2, 2011: GENERAL ADMISSION has been open. Get your tickets now at Ticketnet and Ticketnet outlets nationwide! :)
" HAPPEE SY Great News! Starting tomorrow, Feb 2, 2011. Gen Ad for ss3 will be available in all Ticketnet Outlets Nationwide. This is your last chance to grab your tickets. So hurry.." SEE SOURCE LINK HERE
Update as of December 28,2010 ( Hotel Accommodation for SS3 Manila ): The boys are staying in MAKATI SHANGRILA. Check Happee Sy's Facebook account for more infos. =)
Update as of December 15, 2010: FOR INTERNATIONAL ELFS; You can purchase your ticket through HK Ticketing. Click the link to re-direct you to HK Ticketing's website --> Purchase SS3 Manila tickets here (FOR INTERNATIONAL ELFS)
Happee Sy: "December 15: We open SuperShow 3 Ticket Selling Worldwide via HK Ticketing :D (crossing fingers) that this time around we fill Araneta Coliseum so the boys will be happier. :) To all those who havent bought your tickets yet, anytime you're ready, just go over to Ticketnet outlets nationwide and buy na! :D"
**Happee Sy and Pulp live Prod. are the organizers of Super Show 3 Manila. =)
Go buy your tickets NOWWWWWWW!!! =)
Update as of December 13, 2010:
HAPPEE SY via Ticketnet: there are still plenty of Upper A seats. fyi people.. so its not sold out.. just letting you know, again and again ;) thanks. :) go grab tickets soon as you can.
Update as of December 1, 2010: Super Show 3 Manila tickets now on sale:
To those who doesn't have their SS3 tickets yet, go buy now. It's not sold out yet as per Happee Sy's statement in her Facebook account:
"Guys, pls stop spreading na tickets are sold out. Nag papanic tuloy lahat. It is NOT sold out. Madami pa. Ticketnet just cant release lahat agad agad, specially svip's coz we cannot crush everybody in na masikip na masikip, so we are adjusting according sa stage layout kung liliit or lalaki.. so please refrain from spreading sold out tickets news coz its really gonna affect our ticketing too. tnx for the cooperation." - Happee Sy
There were a lot of unavailable tickets today (December 1, 2010) because the tickets are RESERVED. Ticketnet has a 1-day reservation period if those reserved tickets are unpaid after 24 hours it will be open again for sale. =)
Super Show 3 Manila Final Seat Plan and Ticket Prices.
Ticket Prices: Standing VIP - 7500 ; Upper A - 6500 ; Upper A (Sides) - 5000 ; Upper B - 4500 ; Upper B (Sides) - 3000 *All ticket prices are subject to 5.6% tax and Ticketnet charges. So you guys do the math. =D
If you have questions, please visit my Formspring account .<--- link
Update as of November 10, 2010:
"Happee Sy Vernon Go:
SUPER JUNIOR SUPER SHOW 3 tickets go on sale Dec. 1, 2010 in all Ticketnet outlets nationwide. No further special assistance will be rendered from Nov. 22, 2010." - Happee Sy FB page
SS3 Manila VVIP/VIP Tix Reservation (on November 14, 2010) Hotline: 565-0524 (from 1-6 PM)
Update as of October 17, 2010 : Happee Sy just posted this on her FB page.
"ss3 is pushing thru no matter what happens.. dont worry guys. :) we will make this happen.. and with all elfs there, ss3 will be the best concert party ever! :D"
And really, SUPER JUNIOR is one of the most popular KPOP group in the Philippines.
So Filipino ELFs reading this please help us spread the word. We are gonna ROCK this concert on February 26, 2011! Yeah! :)
My SS3 Manila Check list:
Plane Ticket CEB-MLA: CHECK!
Plane Ticket MLA-CEB: CHECK!
Concert Ticket: CHECK!
Hotel Room: CHECK!
February 26, 2011: WAITING!!!! And it's killing meeeeeeeeeeeee!!! =))))
My SS3 Manila Check list:
Plane Ticket CEB-MLA: CHECK!
Plane Ticket MLA-CEB: CHECK!
Concert Ticket: CHECK!
Hotel Room: CHECK!
February 26, 2011: WAITING!!!! And it's killing meeeeeeeeeeeee!!! =))))
10/16/2010 01:23:00 PM
I started listening to K-Pop summer of 2009. The first idol group that caught my attention while watching Music Bank was B2ST. The song Bad Girl really has a catchy beat. The addiction started there. I watched their MV on Youtube lots of times in a day. Watch the music video of Bad Girl HERE.

Upper pic: Inside Araneta..I was really shaking when we got inside Araneta because can't believe I was gonna watch and listen to them live. ♥
B2ST is a South Korean boy group managed by CUBE Entertainment. The members are Doo Joon, Yo Seob, Gi Kwang, Hyun Seung, Jun Hyung, Dong Woon.
B2ST had a concert here in the Philippines last June 19, 2010. Of course, I was there. =D My cousin accompanied me to the concert. I couldn't afford to miss it. They are the first idol group that caught my HEART. =p
It was really a wonderful experience. Here are some of my pics.

Upper: Big screen inside Araneta. Below: Queuing outside Araneta.

Three boys pic: My fave members of B2ST.. Gi Kwang, Yo Seob and Doo Joon.
Their 2nd mini album, Shock of the New Era, was also good. I love listening to their slow songs. You might want to check out, You Take Care Of My Girlfriend. The lyrics of this song are heartbreaking..but it's really good. Listen it HERE.
A lil' sneak peek of the lyrics of the song, You Take Care Of My Girlfriend:
"A friend of mine asked me today
If he could go out with you
He told me he could cherish you better than I can
Considering now that we broke up"
"Knowing deep inside that I would regret saying this, I still pretend to be cool
Even though when he turns around, I'll be broken and secretly begging him to stop"
Oh can't you see, I'm still loving you
My heart is still not ready to let go
Say no no no no no, Say no no no no no
Say you can't because your heart is still waiting for me, Say no!
Other slow songs of B2ST you might want to check out:
I provided a Youtube link with English translations so you won't be stressing out wondering what those lyrics mean. :)
Hope after reading my blog, B2ST also captured your HEART. =)
PS: Watch out for Extreme Fangirl-ling Part 2. Super show 3 (Super Junior's concert) on February 26, 2011. See yah there! =)
10/09/2010 04:46:00 PM

Okay I'm gonna start my rant. Fasten your seat belts.
A month ago, Skycable had a new subscription rate and package. We have to subscribe for this DigiBox for 700 plus pesos or else they are gonna remove channels 55 and up. Being a fan of the Korean entertainment industry, KBS World (is on channel 55) is a must have channel. So my mom and I decided to avail for this new package. My mom also loves watching KBS dramas so she didn't hesitate to go for it. To be fair, I liked it that they would add new channels if you avail for this new subscription. Skycable added ETC, 2nd Avenue, Biography, Fox News, Al Jazeera and 3 other channels. The reception is really good BUT these positive feedbacks for the new box are shut off by negative ones (lots of them).
So the day the new DigiBox got installed it only worked for less than 24 hours! So we had to call customer service to have our box replaced!
This was what happened to our first DigiBox:
> While watching, it suddenly froze so I had to turn off both the TV and the box. When I turned on the TV again, "Loading 100%" appeared on our TV screen. I waited.....for a long time..trust me. So I turned it off again. The time when I turned on the TV again, still it didn't change. Same message: "Loading 100%".
The next day we had our box replaced. The technician said it was a FACTORY DEFECT. What-the-fuck.
Now my OTHER PROBLEM with the box is that the "No right to access scrambled programs. Please contact your Skycable operator." message OFTEN appears on our screen and sometimes (well, most of the time) ALL the channels are gone. Yeah, it happened lots of times that I didn't have problems remembering the 'no right to access blah blah' while typing.
ANOTHER PROBLEM: Since the new box was installed, it freezes a LOT! I mean you know..when you watch TV then in a snap the people on your TV AREN'T MOVING. So I had to turn off both the TV and box so I can happily watch TV again. Trust me..I did it a LOT of times. I just hope our TV would put up with this craziness.
OLD box:
Seriously, that was better!!! It had LESS downtime. I also didn't have LOTS of complaints with the OLD box.
I wouldn't be subscribing for this DigiBox had you not included KBS World as one of the channels to be removed! If there would be other cable company who would have KBS World in their channel list, TRUST me Skycable, I would DEFINITELY switch.
To future Skycable subscribers, you might want to think twice.
Skycable, this describes your service: COST >>>> BENEFIT
In fairness to Skycable, there are no signal interruptions for a long time now. =) Trust me. You might want to re-consider your decision. :)
In fairness to Skycable, there are no signal interruptions for a long time now. =) Trust me. You might want to re-consider your decision. :)
10/02/2010 09:10:00 PM

Who loves this show? This show is GREAT and HILARIOUS. It is a SHAME CBS got it canceled. Tsk2.
Jenna Elfman (Dharma and Greg) and Jon Foster (Stay Alive, movie) are the leads. This show is about a young man and a cougar who had a one night stand and turned out they just created an offspring out of that "fun" night. =D Both of them decided to have the baby and eventually developed feelings for each other. Davis (Nicolas Wright) is soo funny in this sitcom. =)
To those who loved the comedy sitcom Accidentally on Purpose, sign the petition here to bring this show back again!
9/18/2010 10:57:00 PM

I stayed up at dawn just to watch the games live. I even had one absent in one of my classes because I was not able to wake up early. =D
To name a few exciting games:
> The game between Spain vs. Serbia. That was heart stopping! I rooted for Spain so I was really heartbroken with that loss. I will never forget the name Milos Teodosic. Lol! Also the commentator's heart stopping words while Teodosic was attempting the 3 point shot "Fasten your seatbealtssssssss...BAM!!!" =)) I will never forget this. =))
> Turkey vs. Serbia semi finals! That was one of the EPIC GAMES I've watch in all these years of watching basketball!!
> Serbia vs. Croatia. Too bad I was not able to watch this game because Basketball TV, the one who had the rights to show FIBA games, didn't show it because they suck at their coverage. BTV didn't show ALL the FIBA WC 2010 games. The only team they KNEW was team USA. >.<
> Lithuania vs. USA semi-finals. This game wasn't as exciting as the above mentioned but I just want to commend the Lithuanians for fighting hard and not giving up in that game. They almost had it but USA's speed and super fast transition defense prevented them to get closer with USA's lead.
It has been 4 days since the FIBA WC 2010 ended and I'm missing it right now. I'm so determined to go to Spain in the next FIBA WC in 2014. I have it as one of my GOALS. <--- Possible
Till next FIBA World Championships 2014 in España!
9/18/2010 11:06:00 AM
I saw this kid while watching Arirang News awhile ago and I was sooo amaze by his talent. His name is Sungha Jung and is a fingerstyle guitarist. He is from South Korea. He started playing the guitar at the age of 9.
Here are some of his Youtube vids:
Isn't She Lovely by Stevie Wonder
Billie Jean by Micheal Jackson
Superstition by Stevie Wonder
He also has a website you might want to check it out. =)
Enjoy! =)
4/19/2010 08:58:00 PM
Who would have thought I'd be addicted to K-Pop? I used to hate it but now I'm addicted to it. LOL! I had my first serving of Korean dramas way back in 2007 when My Girl (starring two of my fave celebs in Korea, Lee Dong Wook & Lee Da Hae) was shown in ABS-CBN. After the show ended, I went back to reality. LOL!
Have you heard the Korean variety show 2 Days and 1 Night? Damn. These guys are so funny. Try to catch it on KBS World every Friday at 11:20 PM. 2D1N features different tourist spots in Korea and along the way they could get wild and crazy ..You know just a normal thing with 7 crazy guys. LEE SEUNGGI, KANG HODONG, LEE SEUGGEUN, MC MONG, EUN JI WON, KIM C & KIM JONG MIN <---- I ♥♥♥ these 7 namjas. I hope they would come to the Philippines ESPECIALLY CEBU CITY!!!! =D
At first, I only watch 2D1N on KBS but now I also watch almost all shows in the Korean entertainment industry. I also tuned in to Arirang's Showbiz Extra and Pops In Seoul (I don't like VJ Isak by the way...=p) . =)
What made me love the Korean Pop culture is that they are so raw and funny. Just like their variety shows (it's like a reality show in Korea they call it as such). Well, almost all reality shows have scripts but in their case they've done it so well unlike the reality shows in the US and here in Philippines. Korean dramas are also one of the best. Nuff said. I just finished watching Brilliant Legacy (starring Lee Suenggi and Han Hyo Joo ♥ these two) and damn it was great. The story was also great but I was kind of disappointed with the ending because it was so anti-climactic. The antagonists of the show didn't got the suffering I wanted them to have. LOL! I'm also planning to watch Iris but I still haven't got a DVD copy so I have to wait for a while. =D And oh, just recently I tuned in to KBS World and Lee Da Hae's romantic-comedy drama, Hello! Miss was shown. Lee Da Hae is just so good in comedy plus her leading man Lee Ji Hoon is such an eye candy. =)
I also got addicted to K-Pop. These are the lists of my favorite K-Pop artists:
> Beast
> Super Junior
> Girls Generation
> SHINee (I love Choi Minho! ♥)
> Lee Seunggi
> MC Mong
> Eun Ji Won
> G.Na
And a lot more...REALLY..hahah!
I hope someday I could go to Seoul, South Korea and meet my fave Korean celebs!!! =D
4/13/2010 02:20:00 PM

I just had my first summer vacation outing in Shangrila Mactan with Jennifer Z., Jazzy and Stef. It was fun. Shangrila's service was as always excellent. They really have respectful staff members. We stayed there overnight and it was not enough!! We wanted to stay there for a week. Hahaha.
Till next year Chicas..=))
4/10/2010 10:55:00 PM

After years of sweat and hard work in schooling, finally I graduated last March 19, 2010 with a degree of BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING at the University of San Carlos. =) It's really fulfilling having to pass the stage after all these years. College graduation is different.
Congratulations BS Management Accounting 2010. =)
4/03/2010 06:47:00 PM